What’s going on

Find out more about ‘what’s going on’ with Selah…

Company update 2017

2017 has been a busy year for Selah. Our primary project has been piloting our new Educational Show, It’s Your Move. This is a show for year 6 and 7 students about the transition between primary and secondary school. We have been working in partnership with Scripture Union, who created the book, It’s Your Move, of which they give out thousands to school children every year. The play is based around the primary issues in the book. It is interactive and accessible, and is followed by a 45 minute workshop to unpack the themes. We toured in May and June to various schools in and around the London area, and after receiving some very positive feedback, we’re delighted to announce that the show will be touring again in the summer of 2018.

We also re-visited Spring Harvest in April with some new material. This was a lot of fun, as always, and great to see some of our favourite old friends.

There are big plans in the pipeline for 2018, but a lot of work to do before then, so for now, we will be gathering around computer screens at every opportunity to make it happen!

Welcome to Selah


Welcome to our new website and a new season for Selah Theatre Company!

A few months ago, one very early morning in central London, we gathered together to discuss updating our website. It was then, whilst huddled around various screens looking at website designs, we realised that we had entered into a new season in the life of Selah.

When we first started out, we were all still studying, our time was divided and most of us were about to head into our final year of training. Let’s just say finding time for us all to rehearse together wasn’t easy! But now, the company has turned a corner, with Spring Harvest, two T.I.E tours and another show in development, we’ve never moved faster.

We’re passionate about creating new and exciting theatre and we’ve had the pleasure of working with some great talent this year on both our schools tours and on our most recent project. In this new season, we’ve had the luxury of two weeks experimenting and developing a new show – an opportunity we wouldn’t have had a year ago.

All in all, we’re still creating theatre with the same qualities and ethos behind them but with a new found joy and excitement. As working professionals, we pour our experience and knowledge into each project and although we’ve found ourselves in a new era, Selah’s mission statement remains the same.

Stop. Think. Act.

Rebekah X